When your eyes have started to develop problems, your life can begin to suffer. When it comes to your visual acuity, human beings take in almost 90% of the stimuli that they react to through the optic nerves. The sheer volume of visual stimulus requires that the eyes maintain a certain level of clarity for a person to function. If this level of clarity slips too far, as it often does with a combination of age and genetics, your life can become limited. Do not give up hope, options exist.
How Important Are Your Eyes?
According to many sources, your eyes are an important sensory organ for handling most of your daily activities. Giving the other senses their due, your skin and sense of touch is very important. Your sense of smell is the most powerful stimulator of memories. Your sense of hearing is certainly a powerful way to sense what is happening in your environment. All those are better coordinated if your sense of sight is good for both your navigational awareness and for your sense of the world in which you live.
If your sense of sight should malfunction, you can compensate, but the world is set up for a properly functioning pair of eyes. If distances become obscure or objects begin to go blurry, if they are too near or too far away, your life can become limited. Simple tasks such as navigating a room or driving your car can become downright dangerous if the "new normal" becomes an inability to indentify where you are going or how you’re going to get there. Fortunately, there is almost always hope if this begins to occur if you consult with a good doctor who is an expert in eye treatment options.
Making Your Life Better and Clearer
Just like with most parts of your life, you can make your eyes work more effectively and take on greater clarity. If you begin to experience eyesight alterations or your eyes take on a blurry state, you may merely have very dry eyes. This can be fixed in many cases with either non-surgical alternatives or with a fairly simple type of surgery. If these simply methods do not alter the course, you should seek out the skills and experience of professionals who handle eye related issues on a daily basis such as Sugarland Eye & Laser Center. The methods may be simpler than you think.
What Can You Really Do About It?
A lot of people unfortunately believe that once an eye malfunction occurs that there is nothing to do about it or they will have to wear thick glasses for the rest of their eyes. This is often not the case. In Houston, through the use of LASIK or laser eye surgery, the full use of your eyes may become restored. You can get back to living your life the way you have always wanted to live it.
Sugarland Eye & Laser Center leads in providing premium LASIK technologies to Houston, Sugar Land, and the surrounding region. The Center’s award-winning medical director introduced revolutionary technologies such as iLASIK to the region. This technology is used by NASA astronauts, Navy SEALS and Air Force fighter pilots. At Sugarland Eye & Laser Center, you can now receive the same treatment. For more information, please call (281) 240-0478 or visit us at www.houston-lasik.com.
About the Author
Amjad Khokhar, M.D. is Chief LASIK Surgeon at Sugarland Eye & Laser Center. Add Dr. Khokhar on Google+ here.
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