Multifocal Intraocular Lens

In cataract surgery, the cloudy natural lens of the eye is removed and replaced with an intraocular lens. In the past, patients only have one option: the monofocal IOL. This provides good distance vision, but for activities that require near vision such as reading, patients must continue to wear prescription eyeglasses. Now, with the AcrySof IQ ReSTOR multifocal intraocular lens, you can reduce your dependency on eyeglasses and restore both near and distance vision!
What is the ReSTOR Multifocal Intraocular Lens?
Our eyes change focus quite quickly. One moment you are watching television, the next you’re reading a text message. As we age, our eyes gradually lose this ability; hence the need for eyeglasses or bifocals.
The AcrySof IQ ReSTOR is a type of intraocular lens designed to replace the natural lens that has become clouded by cataracts as well as correct presbyopia. It is not like the traditional monofocal IOL that allows you to see things only in the distance. The unique engineering of the ReSTOR multifocal intraocular lens allows for multiple points of focus so you can see things at different distances.
The ReSTOR lens consists of a series of concentric rings. Some rings are for distance vision; some rings are for near vision. The rings decrease in height from the center towards the periphery of the lens surface, a principle is known as apodization. The varying height design helps decrease night glares and halos and makes ReSTOR lens the best multifocal lens for night driving!
Am I a Candidate For ReSTOR IOL Implantation?
Anyone over the age of 40 is a potential candidate for ReSTOR IOL implantation, as well as people who have:
- Begun to develop cataracts
- Presbyopia
- Near vision problems caused by hyperopia
- Severe levels of myopia
Certain health conditions may prevent you from having the procedure. Your eye doctor will determine if you are a good candidate during the examination.
The Procedure
The ReSTOR lens is FDA-approved both for cataract surgery as well as refractive lens exchange. The procedure is basically the same for both. First, the natural lens is removed, then replaced with the ReSTOR lens. The difference is that in cataract surgery, the lens is clouded. In a refractive lens exchange, the lens is presbyopic but clear.
Both cataract surgery with IOL implantation and refractive lens exchange take only a few minutes, and the visual results are immediate. Most patients are able to return to normal activities within 24 to 48 hours after surgery.
If you have cataracts or are suffering from presbyopia and want to learn more about ReSTOR multifocal intraocular lens implantation, contact Houston LASIK & Eye for more information.
Accommodative Intraocular Lens

One moment you’re reading a book. The next, you’re watching a car enter the driveway. Our eyes continually adjust in order to maintain a clear focus at various distances. This ability to adjust vision between near and far targets is referred to as accommodation. Unfortunately, as we get older, our lenses become less flexible and have to exert more effort in order to focus on near objects.
It’s challenging living life with imperfect vision. Fortunately, patients today have better options than wearing glasses, contacts, or bifocals. Enjoy a broader range of vision once again and see a crystal clear world with accommodating intraocular lenses.
What is an Accommodating Intraocular Lens?
Accommodating intraocular lens (IOL) is an innovative artificial lens created to replace the natural lens affected by cataracts. While its primary function is to restore vision impacted by cataracts, it has the additional benefit of correcting presbyopia or the loss of ability to focus on near objects. Accommodating IOLs are designed to mimic the natural focusing mechanism of the eye, moving back and forth or changing shape as you change your visual focus between near and far objects.
At Houston LASIK & Eye, we understand that living your life to the fullest requires clear vision. This is why we have adopted the best vision technologies for you, including Crystalens and Trulign Toric IOL, the only FDA-approved accommodating IOL in the US. Trulign provides accommodation and also corrects astigmatism.
Generally speaking, patients over 40 with both cataract and presbyopia are ideal candidates for accommodating IOL implantation. If you have astigmatism as well as difficulty focusing on near, intermediate, and far objects, then you may be suited for Trulign Toric IOL.
Accommodating IOLs are also elective. Even if you don’t have a cataract but wish to free yourself from wearing glasses or contacts due to presbyopia and astigmatism, you may benefit from having accommodating lens implantation.
Accommodating IOL is used in conjunction with cataract surgery or clear lens exchange. After your natural lens is removed, the eye doctor inserts the accommodating lens into your eye through a small incision.
The recovery period is typically short. Most patients are able to return to normal activities within 24 to 48 hours. As part of your post-operative care, you may be advised to perform eye exercises daily (such as word games) for up to six months in order to strengthen your ciliary muscles and optimize the benefits of accommodation IOL.
If you are seeking laser cataract surgery in Houston, and wish to learn more about accommodating IOL, contact us today!
Toric Intraocular Lens

Now, Houston LASIK & Eye offers patients a lens that gives you freedom from both cataracts and astigmatism. We are pleased to offer the Toric intraocular lens for individuals who want independence from glasses or contacts, whether you have cataracts or not.
What is the Toric Intraocular Lens?
Toric intraocular lenses (or IOL) are clear, foldable, single piece lenses designed to replace the natural lens of the eye. Thes lenses are implanted during cataract surgery, replacing the natural lens that has been clouded by cataracts. This IOL is additionally capable of correcting astigmatism.
This incredible technology means that cataract patients with astigmatism no longer need to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses, or undergo a second surgery (such as LASIK) to complete their visual picture. Toric lenses can correct moderate to high levels of astigmatism. Once implanted, they become part of your eyes for life!
Because Toric IOLS have refractive error-correcting component, it has become an option not just for cataract patients, but individuals who want freedom from glasses or contact lenses can also have the procedure, even if their eyes are not affected by cataracts.
For patients interested in seeing well again without glasses or contact lenses, Houston LASIK & Eye has an array of outstanding Toric IOL options, including the STAAR Toric and the AcrySof IQ Toric IOL.
Am I a Candidate for Toric Intraocular Lens?
A cataract is the clouding of the crystalline lens of the eye, over time, the cataract thickens and impairs a person’s quality of vision. A person with cataracts will find it hard to see things clearly and perform activities such as reading, driving, performing hobbies, etc. Astigmatism is a refractive error that is caused by a misshapen cornea. Astigmatic patients have corneas that are not completely round, and often experience blurred vision as a result.
Toric intraocular lenses are ideal for cataract patients with moderate to high levels of astigmatism.
If you have cataracts and/or astigmatism and you want quality vision free of spectacles, you may be suitable for Toric lens implantation.
The Procedure
Before the advent of the Toric IOL, cataract patients would undergo lens replacement using monofocal lens implants. The traditional IOLs would treat their cataract, but not their astigmatism. Patients had to continue wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses after implantation, or undergo a secondary procedure to correct the refractive error.
With Toric IOLS, patients no longer need to undergo another vision surgery to correct astigmatism. Cataract treatment and astigmatism correction are integrated into a single outpatient procedure, which lasts only about 15 to 20 minutes. Using Laser Cataract Surgery, Dr. Amjad Khokhar is able to safely remove the cataract from the eye, replace the natural lens, and correct astigmatism!
After your Toric IOL implantation, you will see the improvement in your vision that comes with cataract extraction and with reduction of astigmatism.
To learn more about Toric IOL implantation with AcrySof Toric or STAAR Toric, contact Houston LASIK & Eye today.