The When and Why of Enhancing a LASIK Surgery
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved LASIK surgery back in 1995. Many improvements have been made to the procedure since the early days of its use. The lasers that do the actual work of the surgery have improved vastly in precision. One of the issues that arise as a person becomes 40 is changes […]
Possible Complications After A LASIK Surgery
You made the decision to have the procedure. You chose the best doctor the area like found at Houston LASIK. The surgery went well, and the vision improved. A few minor setbacks had appeared on the horizon when you went for a checkup. No matter how good the statistics have appeared on an individual level, […]
Possible Complications After A LASIK Surgery
You made the decision to have the procedure. You chose the best doctor the area like found at Houston LASIK. The surgery went well, and the vision improved. A few minor setbacks had appeared on the horizon when you went for a checkup. No matter how good the statistics have appeared on an individual level, […]
Examining LASIK 10 Years After Surgery
Ophthalmologists continue to improve on LASIK despite the stellar results over the years. If a patient happens to be in the one to two percent area the operation does not help as much as expected, it is small comfort it was such a success for others. Improvements in software, in tools used, and approaches continue […]
The Military and LASIK
In the month of November, the nation celebrates Veterans Day as a reminder of the many hours of service offered. Whether in or out of the service laser eye surgery offers a way to make the most of a soldier’s or veterans’ vision. Either because of special needs or special equipment, the medical system has […]
The Military and LASIK
In the month of November, the nation celebrates Veterans Day as a reminder of the many hours of service offered. Whether in or out of the service laser eye surgery offers a way to make the most of a soldier’s or veterans’ vision. Either because of special needs or special equipment, the medical system has […]
Can You Help Hyperopia With LASIK?
The National Eye Institute defines hyperopia better known as farsightedness as a refractive error. Fairly common among adults, hyperopia keeps a person from clearly seeing objects near them, and yet, they can see far away well. For some individual, the experience of farsightedness extends to all distances near and far, and the only variation is […]
Contact Lenses Compared To LASIK
For a while now a long-standing debate has occurred in the institutes for optometrists and ophthalmologists about which has more risk — contact lenses or LASIK. In the earlier years of laser eye surgery without a doubt, LASIK had a bit more risk than a contact lens. Time has passed, and techniques have improved. Doctors […]