In 2010, ten clinics in a nationwide multicenter study in the USA determined the effectiveness of Crystalens accommodative lens. Crystalens developed as an accommodating intraocular lens to treat presbyopia and astigmatism at the same time in a single operation. Approved by the FDA, Crystalens treats intermediate and near loss of vision. It mimics the natural range of vision and has been modeled after the human eye itself. It even uses the muscles of the eye to flex and accommodate. Accommodate means the eyes responds to transitioning between distances. Crystalens intraocular lens was compared to a standard monofocal lens.
Vision with Crystalens
The study checked the monocular vision where both eyes became used separately. Both Crystalens and the standard monocular lens were implanted in patients. Patients were divided into two groups. After surgery 90% of the Crystalens patients could read better postoperatively. The control group had only 29% improvement. This held true in all analysis done on patients. Crystalens has shown to be the better procedure overall. What it means to a person considering surgery is an overall assurance if they meet the criteria for this type of surgery, then its highly likely to be successful. Other reports confirm that the surgery has sustainability meaning it lasts for the long term unless a major shift or deterioration happens in the eyes. All of which makes it a better outcome for a patient. It’s the type of research and surgery that Dr. Amjad Khokhar uses at the Sugarland Eye & Laser Center in Houston. He and his staff look for such practices that give their patients the best outcomes whether that be laser eye surgery, LASIK or new procedures such as Crystalens.
Vision with Trulign
This multicenter randomized study concentrated on corneal astigmatism. Trulign has been classified as an intraocular lens for cataracts and astigmatism. It has been recently approved by the FDA for those eye conditions. Follow up on this study involved ophthalmic examinations for a year. Several parameters became measured such as intermediate and near visual acuity, and rotational stability. By 4 to 6 months all safety endpoints were met for the cylinder, for eyesight, and for rotation. Implants in the eye stayed stable and little rotation reached high numbers with the Trulign lens making it especially desirable in touchy cases. The effects of preoperative corneal astigmatism and replacement for cataracts showed reduced effects and was deemed safe and effective.
How to determine which procedure
With the eyes it’s important to pick an ophthalmologist of the quality of Dr. Khokhar. An expert eye surgeon knows the nuances of how to perform surgery in what sequence for the condition a patient has to give an optimum positive outcome. It begins with a discussion of options with a caring staff. A checkup determines what condition you have and how far it has progressed. A consultation with a caring doctor offers the best case scenario for your particular condition. The doctor will give several options and some time to determine what’s best for your life and needs.
Sugarland Eye & Laser Center leads in providing premium LASIK technologies to Houston, Sugar Land, and the surrounding region. The center’s award-winning medical director introduced revolutionary technologies such as iLASIK to the region. This technology is used by NASA astronauts, Navy SEALS and Air Force fighter pilots. At Sugar Land Eye & Laser Center, you can now receive the same treatment. For more information, please call (281) 240-0478.
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