Children and LASIK

The FDA recommends LASIK surgery for 18 years old and above. The reasons vary for the constraint with age such as a refractive error in the eyes change as a child grows. What was accepted as normal eye vision indicators as a toddler will not be the same as a teenager. Prescriptions frequently change in children due to growth phases. Under normal circumstances, LASIK is not a recommended procedure for children. Conditions do exist where LASIK can be recommended for children under 18 years of age.
Traditional therapy
Traditional therapy as in eyeglasses and contact lenses work in most cases. Children’s prescriptions change frequently plus eyeglasses and contact lenses can be easily changed as children grow. If everything else remains normal, laser eye surgery is not an option. Certain groups of children that traditional therapy does not work for make good candidates for LASIK procedures.
Pediatric anisometropia
Pediatric anisometropic defines as a condition where the eyes have a large gap between refractive power or more simply put; one eye has significantly poorer vision than the other. It causes unequal focusing and causes reading problems. Numerous studies were done on small groups of children having pediatric high anisometropia benefited from laser eye surgery. Some children were as young as five years old. Pediatric patients must be chosen carefully to have the high success rate observed. Pediatric LASIK is a developing field.
Cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy defines as a condition that entails spastic paralysis which results in impaired muscle coordination. Damage to the brain at birth or right before birth manifests the condition. Often visual impairment happens in conjunction with the muscle spasms. Of course, the muscle spasms make it difficult to have glasses. The malfunction of the body means lack of visual acuity adds to the developmental delays. The LASIK surgery makes a significant improvement in the child’s life. Because the surgery happens when young doctors inform parents that there is a chance the surgery will have to be repeated during adulthood.
Other neurological conditions
Pediatric LASIK remains controversial and so used in only a few cases. Congenital malformations of eyes or the brain may be a candidate for laser eye surgery only after other methods have been tried. Genetic disorders are another area ophthalmologists keep exploring to see if laser eye surgery can give better quality life. A few doctors have tried LASIK on concussion and head trauma that has affected vision, and have had success.
The most important factor in the success in LASIK in children remains the doctor performing the surgery. Understanding what the condition did to the vision and having the latest techniques makes a difference in pediatric laser eye surgery. A good staff like at Houston Lasik that can discuss the various options, give you good information and make recommendations serves the community, the parents, and the child well. Know that consultations with the doctors may take some time since pediatric surgery is controversial. At the same time, they may know of pilot programs at institutes and medical universities that may help. The decision takes much consideration but as the studies show it is well worth the risk with the right staff and doctors.

Houston Lasik leads in providing premium LASIK technologies to Houston, Sugar Land, and the surrounding region. The center’s award-winning medical director introduced revolutionary technologies such as iLASIK to the region. This technology is used by NASA astronauts, Navy SEALS and Air Force fighter pilots. At Houston Lasik, you can now receive the same treatment. For more information, please call (281) 240-0478.

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